Coverless Co. Limited Edition Zine: A Weekend to Forget.
'Without a Trace?'
July 2020.
As lockdown has eased across the UK, a mix of anxiety and exhilaration has arisen from the public as we all start to step into the new normal. ‘Without a Trace?’ draws attention to the fragments and little traces left from human activity that surrounds my small home town of Bury St. Edmunds, after the hospitality sectors have reopened. Growing up in Bury St. Edmunds, I have vivid memories of recovering from the repercussions of having nights out, however, I was more interested in documenting how a small town also recovered from these repercussions.
Walking around the streets with my polaroid camera in hand, Bury St. Edmunds, to my surprise, appeared to have cleared the streets as if nothing had happened the night before. Bin bags were stacked politely against walls and in dust bins ready for collection, social distancing signs on the floor had been kicked over but not vandalised and there was no trace of the traditional drunken smash of glasses.
All that remained from any activity from the night before, was left on the floor in the form of a singular mask and the small splatters of stomach contents. This delicately demonstrates the human activity that we are all too familiar with, in a world that seems like a distant memory.